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3 Facts About Amniotic Growth Factors That Everyone Should Know

May 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ommdoc @ 11:39 am
doctor holding vial with amniotic growth factors

You are probably familiar with the words amniotic, growth, and factors, but what exactly are “amniotic growth factors”? It is actually the name of one of the most popular forms of regenerative medicine being used today. Despite this, the general population tends to know very little about it, and this includes people who could benefit from it! If you’re dealing with any kind of chronic pain, it might be an option worth exploring, and here are three of the most important facts.

1. Yes, It’s Made Using Amniotic Fluid

Amniotic growth factors are derived from the innermost lining of the amniotic sac, which is donated by mothers who are delivering via c-section. Harvesting the growth factors is a very fast and non-invasive process, and it doesn’t cause any harm or discomfort to the mother or baby.

This substance is rich in stem cells and many other types of growth factors that can lead to the accelerated development of new, healthy tissue. For people dealing with joint and muscle pain, it has been shown to stimulate an elevated healing response when injected into the injured area, helping people recover much faster than normal.

2. Treatment is Extremely Fast & Easy

When a patient comes in for an amniotic growth factor treatment, after they have been examined by the doctor, the substance is injected into the problematic part of the body. Because amniotic growth factors are a premade product that literally comes off the shelf, a routine appointment is extremely short, typically lasting less than an hour. This is much quicker compared to a similar injectable treatment used for various injuries—PRP.

With PRP (platelet-rich plasma), a sample of blood has to be taken from the patient and then processed before it can be injected, which can easily take over an hour. With amniotic growth factors, the doctor can simply skip this step.

3. It Can Safely Be Used for All Parts of the Body

Whether you are suffering from neck pain, foot pain, or pain anywhere in between, amniotic growth factors are a viable treatment option. They have been used in countless studies around the globe to treat all types of pain, and they consistently deliver positive results while causing virtually no side effects.

If you’re interested in learning more about what amniotic growth factors could do for you, simply reach out to a regenerative medicine doctor. They will be happy to answer your questions, give you an evaluation, and let you know if this treatment can help you just like it has thousands of others.

About the Author

Dr. Joel Stein is a DO that has been taking care of patients and getting people out of pain for almost 40 years. Among the many treatments he offers, amniotic growth factors is one of the most popular and versatile. His decades of experience have helped him achieve some truly amazing results for patients who believed they were out of options, and if this sounds like you, then he’s eager to offer you hope. To learn more and schedule a consultation at the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics in one of our Florida locations, click here.

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